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Days full of Resilience

The concept of Resilience is defined by the American Psychological Society (ΑFA) as the process of the orderly adaptation of the individual in facing adversity, traumatic, threatening and resentful, at an alarming rate, events. In other words, to get the person to recover successfully after a turbulent period in his life.

Events that can endanger the level of resilience are not only detected in cases of high risk and mass disasters, but in our daily lives: tensions at work, at school, difficulties in our relationships with important others and health problems are some of the situations that test daily experience of our mental resilience.

Happy news, fellas!

Resilience is from life skills that are structured and developed throughout the life of the individual. So this is not a feature that we either have or not. Research in the field of mental health in recent years, having made clear the importance of mental resilience to wellbeing and mental health, constantly discovers new ways to promote our mental resilience in a wide range of ages.

We have some work to do…

Martin Seligman, founder of the movement of positive psychology, stresses that resilience is something that is learned gradually. This is not an important moment in our lives or a special event that will make us mentally resistant. It resembles a journey and stresses that the journey of every man for resilience is as unique as himself: My path to conquering mental resilience differs from yours and this is perfectly normal!

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