#BookTherapy2021 – Μάιος

#BookTherapy2021 – May

📚May Book or in other "Polite Curiosity" - "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle.

The book for this month is a different one.. Unique,like everything after all. His mastery lies in the fact that it collects different elements in a careful, studied but also clear way, reaching the discovery that the common aspects are perhaps more than we imagined.

Like people. So different, so unique, but with so much in common within us. Common needs, common wants, common fears that more often appear in the opposite way. People who shout become the opponents of people who are silent, when both of them may feel fear, insecurity, anger, fatigue.

"The Power of Now", is a book that came to be loved by the public several years after its first publication. At first he traveled only among certain people, small neighborhood bookstores and sounded only like a whisper. Another proof that great ideas take time to hatch. The same is true of the great truths.

A book that puts together psychology with meditation, religions with the universe, past with present, all together in life and in now. But together with absolute respect to each and with absolute freedom that each person can choose what suits him. And all this accompanied by a kind curiosity.

Before you deny something with confidence, ask yourself. Before you get angry right away, ask yourself. Before you go on to defend your opinion as the only truth, ask yourself. Maybe if we approached things more with Kind Curiosity, we would actually discover, how much we have in common in our diversity.

You can take a look at last month's book here and put it on your next reading and why not, on your library shelf!

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