#SundayFeels Η επαφή

#SyndayFeels The connection

It was a Saturday afternoon, one of those first warm evenings when the weather was changing, along with the mood. It became warmer, sweeter and the most daring are left to dream that for everything, even the most difficult task, there is a way to deal with it. As soon as I got off the subway, I was accompanied by my friend's company and many other strangers, but we all had one thing in common, a common direction. The first airy outfits made their appearance and may be the bold ones who were not afraid to wear summer shoes. Of course most of the time, with the absence of a cardigan as it becomes a weight and who carries it? Maybe a mom.

In such a mom, my eyew fell, as a lady with almond eyes and the widest smile came out of the front wagon, characteristics that she had successfully inherited to the child next to her. The little boy, smiling and red-faced, did not hide his happiness, from an afternoon that seemed to be full of play and good company. I imagined him running in the park, playing with other children and being filled with experiences and playfulness. I didn't have to guess, his eyes testified. Beautiful, different, for sure. It takes courage to communicate with the eyes.

We got together to the escaletor. Although I usually choose stairs, I had decided that it was very hot today and it would took a lot of effort. They, a little ahead of me and all together, having made like a conspiratorial agreement, created a queue, like then at school, where you found your couple, grabbed it and lined up. The little boy, having entered the game long before us, seemed to weigh more on his choice. It was full of joy and excitement and when you are full, nothing can stop you. So, with a skilful maneuver and just at the last minute, when his mother stepped on her first step, he went up the stairs. With a very conscious choice.

With a decisive step, he tried to win the escaletor. But also with much courage. It made me remember that phrase that says:

What you need is 20 seconds of crazy courage. Just, literally 20 seconds of crazy courage and I promise you, something great will come out of it.

His mother was surprised, but without losing sight of him and confidently said nothing. She was watching him and I'm sure I could see a look of pride in her eyes. The little boy had made his choice. The little boy had left us all to be re-examined in elementary school and was walking fast towards graduation. The little boy was no longer little. The little boy was old enough. Each step and one step forward. Each step and one step towards independence. Always next to his mother. He found his footsteps and always managed to balance with the escaletor. He did not wait for them to reach him to the top. Today I chose the escaletor with my company. Tomorrow I will take the stairs. Me and myself.

Shortly before the end of the journey, a little tired, maybe from the stairs, maybe that each decision has its own weight, he searched blindly for his mother's hand. He touched the rolling bar and, as if in agreement, the mother gently placed her hand above. They traveled together, each on his own different path. The big boy only needed one step time to run the last steps and break all of us. He did it heroically.

In a world that is constantly changing, that the concepts of freedom, diversity, security, contact are constantly shaken, who do you choose to have next to you? Who do you choose to protect? Who do you choose to be?

In Life do you take the escaletor or do you choose to go with the stairs?

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